Miss Sarajevo

I posted on my blog on November 18, 2013 about my favorite u2 songs. I couldn’t find a link to one of them so I opted for this song which I really dig a lot!

I liked that Pavarotti sang in it. I remember years ago, probably my first year teaching that Jonathon and I talked about opera. I told him that I wished that I listened to jazz or opera or some thing that was super cool. He had seen operas and he told me that once I see one, musicals will seem very cheap. I couldn’t watch or listen to an opera after he said that. I really like musicals! I listened to this song when I was brushing my teeth last night and I cried. I have NEVER cried when I hear this song!

I cried because I was listening to music during the day and my Mom stopped when she heard Pavarotti‘s singing and asked if that was him because she heard Bono singing. I told her that it was and that they sing a song together. I also told her that they sing it together sometimes but they recorded it for the album.

My Mom got a faraway look when she asked me that. And I knew why! My Dad had a very eclectic taste in music! More so than I ever had realized! I am just beginning to learn about a lot of it through my Mom. I wish I could have had music conversations with my Dad now; or I wish I would have had them with him when he was alive!

He had a few Pavarotti CDs and he would talk to my Mom about it because she wasn’t interested in it and said he can’t even understand them. But my Dad told her that based on the emotion in their singing, you can figure out what’s going on! That’s what Jonathon told me!

So, I cried last night, I purposely listened to that song again and when I heard opera music as a brushed my teeth. I miss you, Daddy!