“Movie Marathon”

I shared this post on Facebook yesterday:

I added my own comment though:

A friend of mine once explained to me that his dad used to take him opening weekend to see a movie after his parents’ divorce. I thought that was an excellent idea to make good memories with Sean as my physical abilities were diminishing.

Sean and I would seeA LOT of movies and its opening weekend! We would see previews for upcoming movies and instead of having him choose between two, we would have a, “Movie Marathon.”

A, “Movie Marathon” is when we would see two movies at the theater in one day. We would see the first movie earlier in the day at about 9 o’clock a.m.when tickets were discounted! We then would eat movie theater food, refill our popcorn, and then watch a second movie. I would buy the tickets to both movies in the morning when we got there so we could just eat our lunch and go to our second movie. We would get to the movie theater when the sun was just rising and the sun was setting when we left.

I think we may have only had three or four marathons before my abilities diminished too much for me to drive and to go see movies.

We still talk about it today! I have told Sean that it was fun growing up with him! Just today, we were talking on the phone and he mentioned some kid show he used to watch that WE would watch together. He was five and we just got into our second apartment when I could afford to get cable TV. He wanted to watch Nickelodeon and Teen Nick but he was still just six years old so I decided that I would watch the shows with him to just kind of make sure it was okay content for him to watch. We would watch TV together at night.

I became completely involved with all of the shows we were watching and like I was a child. We were just laughing about one of the TV shows today because I remembered the episode he was talking about!

I definitely have TONS of memories with Sean because I have never had a lot of money as a teacher and single mom but we made it work. I will say though, there was one Christmas that was a really cool! I got Sean the Tri Bot!!! That was pretty cool to have that memory on top of all of our other memories!

This is my favorite picture of me and Sean because I can’t find a picture of Tri Bot right now but I updated my post and I have since found it but I still love this picture of us, my Mom took it and we were at Barwis! 💜