T-2 OR Chef 4 of 4

Tomorrow’s the day. At 4:17 pm my life change to forever and my world cracked.

I didn’t notice this part of the movie until about the sixth time that I watched it. When I noticed it, I audibly gasped. I can’t NOT notice it now! I will explain after I post the picture. I tried to screenshot the scene from my phone on Netflix but it didn’t allow me to so I had to do it while I watched the movie on my living room TV.

Jon Favereau has a similar build to my Dad in this movie. My Dad didn’t have any tattoos and only wore long sleeve shirts that he would roll the cuffs up to mid-forearm. Sean came home from school one day with his sleeves cuffed like my Dad used to do and I asked him why he did that. Sean told me that it’s more comfortable because his arms are not that long. I started to cry because that is EXACTLY why my Dad cuffed them! I told Sean that the reason he has to do that is because of his, “Ríos genes.” My Dad also only wore polyester blend light blue dress shirts.

Seeing his little hand go around his dad reminded me of doing that when I was that age. My senses were immediately and completely awakened and I instantly knew exactly how soft that shirt felt on his cheek! I thought about it for a little bit longer and I almost could smell my Dad.