Bug Hull

I’ve had one of these before when I first went organic. It was a bit bigger and the tops were purple and blue. I stopped using it when I realized it wasn’t good for my supplements to not be in dark bottles so I just took each pill out of it bottle when I needed it.

However, MS, being the absolute gem that it is, has begun to mess with my short-term memory! I can’t remember if I took my evening vitamins or not! I had to figure out a way to keep track and let go of the fact that these are for older people. I purchased one last week and it arrived on Saturday:

hey 👋🏼

I looked through the description and I was thinking this looks like what I need! My pills have to be kept in the dark and I have a lot of them so I need a way to organize them but this picture gave me pause before I ordered it:

This pillbox is made for older people! I am not that old! Yet…

I filled the pillbox on Saturday evening and will do it again this coming Saturday. I asked my Mom for help at this time though to make it easier because I can’t control my hands very much these days…