#MyGirlL: Restless

One thing I have noticed since Leia had her phase 2 treatment, she sleeps all day! Apparently, this two days of shots she had is kicking her butt! But, in addition to sleeping all day, she is restless at night! My Mom told me that in the middle of the night last night, that she heard her rustling a little bit and woke up to find her sitting on her bed just staring into space My Mom got out of bed and rubbed her until she fell asleep. She pulled her legs out from under her body so she could lay flat and pet her until she fell asleep.

Now, she used to do the same thing for my Dad when he came home from dialysis and could not get comfortable laying in their bed. She knew that he needed to sleep and he would feel better so she would rub him until he did that. And since she has been here since Covid, she is of the same thing for me too! I know the power of her rubbing when your body is insanely uncomfortable!

Next week, my Mom will lower her dose of steroids and they will do a blood draw next month to see if she still has worms. If she does not, she can skip phase 3. My Mom says that she is pooping a lot and the vet said that that may be evidence that she is getting the worms out. I hope so because I would rather her go back to running around like a crazy head in the backyard but she can’t do that right now.