It Will.

Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I began to cry as I thought of ANOTHER Father’s Day whiteout my Dad. A friend of mine just recently lost her dad and I thought of her as well as tears streamed down my cheeks. I thought of this song as I began drifting off to sleep:

I remembered driving to work listening to this song on repeat and crying the entire time. I also remember wearing my sunglasses in the dark as I went into the building.

I texted her today to tell her that I was thinking of her and sending her all the love and positive vibes I can. I told her that I cried myself to sleep last night and she said she thought she would do that today. She told me that it was a tough day and said that she is guessing that it will always be.

I thought about what she wrote and the fact that 15 years in, it’s still can feel like it just happened. It didn’t make me feel good to text this but I had to be truthful. I texted two words: It will.