Taking Things For Granted

I saw this video in my YouTube feed because Big Brother KNEE that my soul soul needed this! I had never seen this version of the video before but I have since been trying three or four times to put the video here on my blog and it’s not allowing me. This is what it says;

So, I put the official music video here see you can hear the song that my soul needed to hear! A song that brings back vivid memories of living in my dorm room on the fifth floor of Harvey Hall and driving my car down E. Pine Dr. to get off campus. This song, for me, chronicles at a time when I was carefree and didn’t know I was taking things for granted. You know, things like walking and driving.

This song takes place long before the Reality and pain would rtt in! I left Western’s campus for the final time a few weeks pregnant and I didn’t even know it yet.