A, “Three-Peat” OR #DirtyHairDontCare

Today is the third day that my body is going through a whole lot! This change in the weather is KILLING me! On the first day, it was, “Tiring” and yesterday I tried to deflect but I couldn’t get ahead of the pain. I checked the weather last night and knew it wasn’t going to be good before I fell asleep but to wake up and FEEL it not being good it’s EXTREMELY difficult!

Sean would always marvel at the fact that I grew up during The Pistons three peat. I was young and I didn’t really think about it back then. But now, as an adult, and seeing how badly destroyed sports are struggling, I should’ve appreciated it. But this, these last three days, are my three peat and it stinks! I was supposed to wash my hair today but that is NOT happening! I don’t feel embarrassed by saying that and it just goes to show that sometimes people with MS just can’t!

Usually, on days when I feel this badly, I will post a song because it doesn’t take a lot of effort. A couple days ago, my MS Music Lovers Group posted this song and I had never seen the video but I remember it coming out and I remember that I liked in a whole lot:

I will hope for better weather tomorrow. I hope it’s “like cinnamon.”