The Princess Bride

This clip showed up in my YouTube feed early this morning:

I posted it on Facebook and wrote that I HAVE to see this movie again! I searched it on my TV using my voice remote. It looks like Disney+ got their stuff together and I was able to get this movie on my TV!

it’s still as good as I remember it! This movie is my childhood and my Mom kept asking questions like she’d never seen it! I guess she really hasn’t because she was cooking or something.

Such a great movie and now Disney+ is downloaded onto my TV!

A New Phone

So, I watched the NCAA Championship game last night. It was the second time I was able to watch a basketball game on TV without wearing my eyepatch. It’s not like my eyes are better or anything but I wore my glasses instead of my eyepatch. It looks a little more normal than wearing a patch. I can see clearly with them on even though I look like, “Squints” from The Sandlot.

I really wanted the Gonzaga to win because I LOVE saying the name! I Tweeted that a few years ago when they were eliminated from the tournament. The only other game I saw with my glasses was Michigan versus UCLA. I am bummed that Michigan was eliminated but I still bought a UCLA shirt right after they eliminated State. Sean says that I am petty but I love a new shirt! I wanted to get a championship shirt if Gonzaga won but I did see a commercial during the game while Gonzaga was losing.

So, I did not order a new t-shirt. But, instead, based on a commercial I saw during the game, Verizon was offering a new promotion to get an upgrade. I called Verizon and ordered a new phone! It is past time for my iPhone 7s to retire but I think I want to keep it for a while anyway even though I won’t use it.

My Favorite Hallmark Movie

I woke up today to the sound of rain on my roof. I opened my eyes and knew it was going to be a long day! My knee has been hurting all day and it feels like it is, ”Popped out.” I’ve asked my Mom numerous times to raise my leg in order to pop it back in to make it feel better. It hasn’t pipped back in or orfelt any better.

I turned the Hallmark channel on as my Mom took Leia for a walk. It was halfway through the movie when I turned it on and I have seen the move a bunch of times. But then, my favorite Hallmark movie started!:

I will not watch this entire movie because I want to watch the NCAA championship game today. But, I have seen this movie so many times but it is my favorite Hallmark movie and takes my mind off of my pained knee!

My 1st COVID Hug

I just finished Easter dinner and I had some pie. Sean came over earlier today and retrieve his Easter basket because I got him one! He’s my ONLY child and he will ALWAYS be my ONLY child! Giftgiving is my love language and even though he tells me that he is, “A grown man” I tell him just to, “Take the d*mn presents!” He will always be my, “Little boy!” regardless of how old he gets!

My brother, Jimmy, came by today to touch up my wax. A spot was messed on my jaw. He came in wearing a mask and I was not. He told me that I was forgetting something and I kind of shook my head. Then he asked me if I was completely vaccinated and when I nodded, he asked me if he could hug me. I nodded again and since he is also fully vaccinated, we hugged!

I hug my Mom every day because she is my caregiver. I put my arms around her when she transfers me so it’s really not a hug even though we have hugged each other purposefully in the past year because we were the only ones in “Our bubble.”

Sean got his first shot yesterday and I am excited and the best Moother’s Day present I could get is to hug him because it has been over a year! My brother, Jimmy, was my first Covid hug. It was SO NICE!!

Given that today is today, I posted this song and both Twitter in Facebook because it’s, ”April 4” and I LOVE this song!!!:

#1 Fan?

I remember way back in the fall of 2005, I had just moved into our first apartment and I used to talk on the phone all of the time with my friend, Joe Wegjet, all of the time! We talked about the most random things all of the time and he used to call me, “‘Fer” and I called him, “‘Seph” because we talked about how people’s names get shortened with the first syllable like us, Jen and Joe. So we decided to call each other by the LAST syllable!

This was back when Columbia Music House was still a thing and I was a member! I told him that U2 my favorite band in the world and I am their number one fan! He asked me if I owned all of their albums. I told him that I did not so he asked me if I really could be their number one fan if I didn’t own all of their albums?! So you know I HAD to order most of them for $0.01. He asked for me back then if there was any album I did NOT like. I answered him very quickly and said, “Pop.” He laughed at my quick answer but I really didn’t like it.

Fast forward to today in 2021 and I have lost contact with ‘Seph and wouldn’t you know that u2 is holding a virtual tour. I have already watched two concerts on my phone at night. One concert was from 1983 but I loved every moment of it! The third leg of the four concert series is:

I was willing to give it a try once I learned the details of the concert:

On my 15th birthday?! My Quinceañera?! I never had one so I thought this would be okay to watch because I LOVE live music and I LOVE BONO!!!

Since we are 16 years from that conversation I had with ‘Seph amd I am so much more physically sensitive now, the reason I didn’t like the album, “Pop” was because it was too, “Techno sounding.” Well, “Techno sounding” translates to having lots of flashing lights which for me is definitely a no-go now.

I am saddened to say that I watched probably 20 minutes of it and had to stop because I was giving me a headache! The concert will be gone from YouTube probably later today if not tomorrow so I will have missed the third leg but I guess I’m okay with that.

There is one song that I really dig from that album though that I learned that I dug it from the best of 1990-2000:

In the little bit of the concert I watched, I did not hear the song but here it is:

My Final, “Birthday Month” Present Continued

So, I wrote about my final, “Birthday Month” present to myself and the fact that I was too exhausted to write about it. Well, when I get that exhausted, I need a day to recover! I did that yesterday and now, I can show you my final, “Birthday Month” present that I gave to myself a couple days ago. I first need to show you the starting point:

So, in just over a year:

Christina has cut my hair and waxed my eyebrows for a very long time and she did just that on March 31! Seems that this kind of stuff can happen once you are fully vaccinated like I am now! She asked me a question and made a suggestion. She told me that since we have the length, we should try something different. If I don’t like it, I can go back to my haircut that I’ve had for 13 years and 19 days now.:

My Mom tells me that the cut is cute but I think I do better with the SHORT, short hair that I had previously (with the 2020 hiatus in haircuts). It is comfortable and does not bother me but I think shorter is better given my physical limitations now.

This song played at the salon when I first cut my hair and I won’t ever forget that:

And this is the song that played on March 31 when I lost about 20 pounds of hair off of my head and mostly my face!:

The 7th Friday of Lent

It’s the final Friday of Lent and I have watched, Jesus Christ Superstar each Friday! I kind of like this tradition because I love this movie! I don’t think a really saw it until after high school but today I focused on Simon and all of the dancing:

Of course, I still cried at the lepers and Jesus pleading with God in the Garden of Gethsemene:

but, overall, I feel quite contemplative this Lenten season!

April 2021 Faves

Songs I’ve been listening to recently because of things I have seen on TV:

But, it’s April and I could NOT share what is easily one of my top five favorite U2 songs::

And I will write about these two songs in a bit because I am having somewhat of an, “MS-y” day: