A New Phone

So, I watched the NCAA Championship game last night. It was the second time I was able to watch a basketball game on TV without wearing my eyepatch. It’s not like my eyes are better or anything but I wore my glasses instead of my eyepatch. It looks a little more normal than wearing a patch. I can see clearly with them on even though I look like, “Squints” from The Sandlot.

I really wanted the Gonzaga to win because I LOVE saying the name! I Tweeted that a few years ago when they were eliminated from the tournament. The only other game I saw with my glasses was Michigan versus UCLA. I am bummed that Michigan was eliminated but I still bought a UCLA shirt right after they eliminated State. Sean says that I am petty but I love a new shirt! I wanted to get a championship shirt if Gonzaga won but I did see a commercial during the game while Gonzaga was losing.

So, I did not order a new t-shirt. But, instead, based on a commercial I saw during the game, Verizon was offering a new promotion to get an upgrade. I called Verizon and ordered a new phone! It is past time for my iPhone 7s to retire but I think I want to keep it for a while anyway even though I won’t use it.