Take Your Pick

Well, I can’t decide if it’s. “One of Den Days” or #DirtyHairDontCare but I think it’s a combination of the two. Change in weather is always hard on me, harder now that I am 20 years into this mess but Take your pick what’s up what you want to call it but this one’s a rough one!

Yesterday, the final leg of the u2 virtual tour was on but I have felt bad yesterday. Well, I don’t feel much better today! That seems to be happening a lot more these days but I slept with my window air conditioner on last night because it was too warm (and yes I still have those!) and this morning, my house was cold. So I turned the heat on! The fact of how much I cannot control my body temperature anymore really hit me when my heat turned on when I started to watch the u2 concert from last night.

It wasn’t from last night though, it was from:

it was from France and they still knew all of the words! I could only watch a few songs at a time and it’s taken me all day to watch the entire concert. They ended with, “One” and the sun before that was, “Bad” so I dug it, actually, I thought the whole thing!