A Pain Pill

I think I first noticed this occurrence about seven years ago. The season change is rough on me with all of the moisture in the air. It hurts! Add seven years of disease progression through this and A second knee surgery into the mix and it’s pretty much unbearable!

I’ve written about the, ‘March Meltdown” back during my days of going to Barwis. But it’s not even March yet and I am feeling the effects of the “Meltdown” now. This is a precursor to the upcoming “March Meltdown.”

I noticed my knee hurting a little bit yesterday during our routine but today it was even worse. So, adding up 20 years of MS discomfort and pain with the pain of a repaired meniscus that still hasn’t properly healed because having MS for so many years, is not allowing for that healing to take place.

I guess this is a precursor to the “Meltdown” but I can’t just suck this one up and I caved and took a pain pill. Mostly for my knee because 20 years of MS pain I am used to but it’s only been a little over four years for my knee.