Even MORE Epic

So, we watched the second half of ben-Hur. I cried so much more and even 50 years after this movie was made, it is even more epic!!! We saw the second half of it and I was startled when the music for the chariot race started!

I have seen this movie for my whole life and I remember the first time Sean saw it. He must’ve been 10 because we saw it in our house and I told him it was epic! Sean has not cared for many movies I think are a big deal but he liked this one. I think. But, I love it so much! I will watch it again during lent. Probably on holy Thursday because that’s my favorite day of the Lenten season. Now that I wear glasses again when I watch movies, I constantly have to take them off and wipe my face. It was totally worth it and I would suggest it to anyone! Especially during Lent!