Ice-Skating OR T Minus 30!

This video showed up in my YouTube feed early this morning. I HAD to watch it AND share it on Facebook. I have always LOVED watching Ice-skating on television! I have never been ice-skating and now that my movement is so limited if not nonexistent, I fear that I never will!

I was actually invited to go ice-skating the Saturday after I tore my ACL and a basketball game. My friend invited me and I met him when we were both in fifth grade. I told him that I do not know I know you scan and he played hockey growing up so he told me that he would teach me on the following Saturday.

I think it was the Tuesday before that that I tore my ACL while playing in a basketball game. The doctor told me NOT to go ice-skating! I did not go ice-skating then or ever because I had my first knee surgery. Not long after that, I was diagnosed with MS and now ice-skating is just NOT in the cards!

I still LOVE to watch it on TV because I will not be able to watch an in person because it would be too cold in there for me! I thought about my invitation to go ice-skating in high school that I never got to take part in because today is his birthday! I have known them since I was in fifth grade! I think it’s funny how some birthday so I will NEVER forget! His is one of them!

I think I remember this because when he told me That his birthday was February 12, I learned that was EXACTLY one month before mine! That’s right! My birthday is in T minus 30 days!!! I will not be 17 so it does NOT warrant a song like it did for Sean but it will be the last birthday I have in my 30s! I will be 39 on March 12!!! I don’t mind getting older but I am the ONLY one of my siblings still in my 30s for one more year and one month at least!