Breakfast For Dinner

Sean and I used to do this all of the time starting when we lived in our second apartment! I first saw this idea watching The Wizards of Waverly Place with Sean. That was Selena Gomez and her dad’s thing in the show. They talked about it in a couple episodes and then I asked Sean if he wanted to do that. He was all about it and so was I because it was easy for me to fry up some eggs or make some pancakes for dinner and it was cheap!

I didn’t worry about his nutrition because I always used to put a bowl of raw spinach on the floor for him to snack on while he watched TV while I washed dishes in the kitchen.

I only say this because my Mom and I had “Breakfast for dinner” last night. But, here’s the thing for me:

I would say just before the beginning of the pandemic when my Mom moved into my house to be with me. That was in March and it has been since March that I have been drinking both my breakfast and lunch. I constantly think of this commercial:

For me, it’s NOT a weight-loss thing at all but rather, it’s too difficult for me to chew in the morning and in the afternoon. Drinking a protein shake is easier. I just prefer Aatkins shakes to any other protein shake because I have been no carbing it for so long!

So, it was breakfast for dinner last night but my Mom was here and she makes pancakes FROM SCRATCH so I couldn’t pass those up! But, drinking two protein shakes and eating only two pancakes from scratch with syrup which I have had no sugar in so long COMPLETELY DID A NUMBER ON ME!!! I am talking about my body completely going to limp on me!

THANK GOD FOR MY MOM!!! I am thinking that I will continue having two protein shakes for a while because that works out for me however, I know that I need to be more selective in my choices for breakfast for dinner! But my Mom’s pancakes were worth it by the way!

Rainbow Butt Monkeys

First of all, I am so beyond grateful and lucky that my son talks to me on the phone all of the time because he no longer lives in this house because me and my Mom are in a bubble and he went out into the world of the working. Today, he thanked me for his good eating habits. He told me that it is because of me that he eats so healthy. He mentioned spinach and I laughed and reminded him that in our second apartment, he would lay on the floor watching TV and I would put a bowl of raw spinach on the floor next to him to snack on.

I also remember a guy I used to know commenting on the fact that Sean was sitting at the table and eating peas with his fingers. He looked at him almost incredulously and said that Sean was eating the peas, “Like they are good!” I also laughed at that statement because I told him that they were good for Sean.

A random thing that I did not remember until he reminded me of it also made me laugh. He told me that he listens to XM radio all of the time when he is driving cars at Les Stanford. I bought myself an XM radio subscription for my car as a graduation present when I finished grad school and received the last overage check for my tuition. That purchase has proven to be sound because I have it for the life of my car and my car is currently eight years old.

He reminded me of some thing a DJ had said while we were on our way to Target on the hill. He told me that he’s been listening to this song a lot and that I liked it because I used to listen to it a lot. The DJ said, before it played that the original band name was, “Rainbow Bitt Monkeys.” He reminded me that he said that name and laughed about 20 times here for I told him that it was not THAT funny! He laughed well telling me the story because he said, “To say that name in front of an 11-year-old boy, how could it not be hilarious?!”

Well, I had almost forgotten the story and I thought it was pretty hilarious! The band name is Finger Eleven and here is the song but when Sean recounted the story to me, I remembered that and I laughed!:

Good Memories

I want to preface this post with the fact that my Mom IS a morning person. I have NEVER been a morning person nor will I EVER be one!!! Mornings for me are progressively harder! My Mom will get me out of my bed as I try to adjust to being awake and in my wheelchair. I can’t handle any talking for a while! I wait around, as my Mon is making my bed, she will ask me to name some, “Good Memories” that I have. As it so happens, yesterday morning a enumerated Sean‘s first birthday party as being one of my happy memories.

A little later, my aunt posted a video of a little boy getting his first haircut. I shared it on Facebook as well but I couldn’t get over how cute he was!:

It wasn’t until I was ready for bed at about one in the morning last night when I was getting ready to get into bed (don’t judge!) where I put it all together! I love that picture because:

This was Seanie at his first birthday party! It was that the Dearborn rec center! I loved putting overalls on him when he was that young and that is why I loved the video so much! It reminded me of my Seanie!

Living in my Memories Continued

Yesterday, a group I belong to on Facebook posed the question of what our first concert was that we went to. I looked at the comments and people were commenting the songs as well as opening acts. I posted the following and have been living there since then. My first concert was Third Eye Blind and Vertical Horizon opened for them:

I was stuck in the summer before college since yesterday. I clearly remember dancing on the lawn at DTE.

But then my aunt and Facebook friend posted a video that reminded me of Sean‘s first haircut. I still have his hair clippings somewhere in an envelope. The woman who did it still cuts my hair and waxes my eyebrows! I can’t figure out how to post the video here from Facebook but I took a couple screenshots of this cute little boy and even though Sean does not have blue eyes, it reminded me of him. I think it’s the nose in relation to his eyes and the overalls he is wearing!:

I kissed Sean between his eyes all the time when he was that small! So even though these memories are a couple years apart me living in my (able-bodies) memories continues…


I didn’t even watch the Lions win today! It kind of stinks that I’m not feeling very well for a while now. Given that it is the sixth time I have watched Love Actually this December, I am surprised that it’s still amuses me! This part makes me laugh out loud every time I see it which is every single day:

Maybe it’s because I am a potty-mouth as well but I laugh out loud all the time! It’s kind of inexplicable why I want to rewatch it all the time! If I really think about it, it’s probably because my eyesight is failing. I know what is going on in a movie I see 1 million times! So maybe it’s not that inexplicable…? Just… #MSsucks!!!


Thursday, Leia was NOT my favorite! In the morning when my Mom got me out of bed, Leia got my new Christmas ornament and chewed it! Thankfully, my Mom got it from her and she just chewed the hanger part so my Mom was able to sew it back together. She chewed the blue one:

So, as my Mom was sewing it back together, she put Leia outside. I haven’t even put my ornaments on my tree yet! Thinking about it, I think my ornaments are too important to put on the tree this year. I am okay with just having lights because my tree is beautiful regardless!

So when my Mom opened the back door to let Leia in, she realized that Leia jumped the back fence and was in our neighbor around the block’s yard. As my mom went to go retrieve her, I texted Sean and told him:

Leia = BAD GIRL.

then, I explained what she did. I think I’m just going to put the star on my tree and call it a day for this year!

Phase 1 2020 = Complete.

So my tree has been up in my front room for a while now. We’re trying to get Leia used to it. She really doesn’t care about it though. That’s a good sign! Today, phase 1 was finally complete:

This year, I have made a slight change. My tree is pulled further away from the wall to allow Leo to peek her hand through the shades to see outside:

I have placed a couple of unopened Pampered Chef boxes to block the way for her walking to the other side close to the window.

Given that it’s December 1, I watched Love Actually for the first time this year today. I absolutely love that movie! My mom is putting the lights on the tree as I am writing this with The Holiday on TV. I love that movie too!

December 2020 Faves

I haven’t really been listening to lots of music with everything going on in 2020 but here’s one I’ve been listening to for a while. And emotes tears from me:

My brother texted me this video yesterday and after I watched it, I texted him back, “It’s me!!!” He texted me back, “I know!” That is really what I looked like when I was a little girl! My hair was longer and my glasses were a different color but I used to rock the bangs!: