Good Memories

I want to preface this post with the fact that my Mom IS a morning person. I have NEVER been a morning person nor will I EVER be one!!! Mornings for me are progressively harder! My Mom will get me out of my bed as I try to adjust to being awake and in my wheelchair. I can’t handle any talking for a while! I wait around, as my Mon is making my bed, she will ask me to name some, “Good Memories” that I have. As it so happens, yesterday morning a enumerated Sean‘s first birthday party as being one of my happy memories.

A little later, my aunt posted a video of a little boy getting his first haircut. I shared it on Facebook as well but I couldn’t get over how cute he was!:

It wasn’t until I was ready for bed at about one in the morning last night when I was getting ready to get into bed (don’t judge!) where I put it all together! I love that picture because:

This was Seanie at his first birthday party! It was that the Dearborn rec center! I loved putting overalls on him when he was that young and that is why I loved the video so much! It reminded me of my Seanie!