#MyGirlL: No Ornaments

Thanking about this today, I decided to NOT put ornaments on my tree this year. Leia is just over a year old and LOVE my Christmas ornaments way too much! I am a super sentimental and each ornament on my tree has some significance to me!

My Mom tried to convince me to try it out but I told her that if Leia breaks any of my ornaments, I would have to hate her and I don’t want to do that because I love her so much! Leia likes looking at the window and my tree is a little further away from the wall so she can get in there too look out the window. I think it was a couple weeks ago when this happened:

She had just come back from our walk and still had her leash on and something happened where she bolted to the window and I thought for a moment she was going to knock me over. I was grateful that the star was just knocked out of balance which Sean straightened out on Christmas.

I have seen so many people posting pictures of their trees and zooming in on specific ornaments and I missed not being able to do that this year but I did get a few ornaments that I will just post here anyway even though it’s two days after Christmas. My brother tagged me in a post on Facebook of a Cookie Monster tree because that’s my character. I absolutely love Cookie and yes, those of us who KNOW him, are on first name basis! I thought it was funny because I just had received this ornament in the mail:

I did get a few other ornaments addition to Cookie, Hallmark had this one and I remember searching for and buying this toy for Sean when he was young and really into Toy Story. I recently found the toy and it is still in good condition because I put it away nicely:

Just after my tree was put up, I found this one which goes to show my forethought when I ordered pictures from Sean’s graduation in August:

I also got this one because now I DO have a graduate:

I did order a couple ornaments from my friends 31 party to further commemorate Sean‘s graduation because it was a crazy 2020 graduation and one that I was not able to attend:

And Leia was his graduation present! I didn’t get to put my favorite ornament on the tree I bought this year The Sean had to drive and get for me but there’s always next year!: