Voice in my Head OR Stronger Isn’t Necessarily Better

I am haunted by the doctor who told me 20 years ago almost to the day that I am going to go blind and then I am going to die after she told me that I had MS.

I have heard that voice in my head quite clearly as I tried to make sense of my extremely strong prescription in the contacts that I just got. I couldn’t figure out why I was not able to see clearly! I was nervous and made a return appointment with a woman to adjust my contacts if necessary. Her name was Liz and she was lovely!

She had me try to see the letters on a computer screen similar to the eye chart in the doctor’s office hand to hand me red letters off of a card that I held in my hand. I had to hold little lenses in front of my eyes to see if I could see it better. I had visions of having to have a monocle to see and that made me really nervous.

She went into a drawer and got different lenses and told me to put them in instead of the contacts I was wearing. I definitely could see better immediately! She then told me that it is a lower prescription and that sometimes, stronger it’s not necessarily better!

My eyes have worsened from my contact prescription that I had from a year and a half ago but they’re a little bit better than the 8s I had in my last prescription. 7 is NOT great but I definitely will take it! I have to! I’m not blind… yet!: