A California Christmas

So, my Mom did it again. Last year she suggested a Netflix Christmas movie for me to watch:

I actually really dug it because I really dig elephants!:

It was the reason why I bought one of my Christmas ornaments for my tree last year:

I originally ordered one but one of the ears had fallen off so Sean called for me because I was having difficulty speaking and they sent another one so now I have two!

Last week, she suggested a new one for me to watch:

I also really dug this one but for different reasons. I have never gotten into wine and I always thought that I should but the only wine I have ever purchased is Boonesfarm so you know what that means. Sun Peak Peach and Strawberry Hill! Two for five dollars! How disgusting?!

I know that I dug the movie because I have already seen it three times. I’m not even embarrassed to say that I have cheesy taste in movies but I dig it and that’s all that really matters! I would suggest people watch both movies!