MS Fatigue

A few days ago, a Twitter follower and fellow MS warrior tweeted out that her MS fatigue was kicking her butt. Sometimes you just have to say stuff out loud to get it out and I completely I understand that! I told her what I do for MS fatigue.

I must have started this a while ago. I had seen it on Ellen and knew of the benefits of apple cider vinegar. My interest was piqued but I being on a fixed income, I wasn’t sure if I could afford it. I think I save some money for a few months before I was able to buy one bottle to try it out. I tweeted her this picture and told her that this is what I use for MS fatigue:

The directions on the bottle say to take six gummies a day but I knew I couldn’t afford that! I told her that I only take two in the morning when I am drinking my breakfast. I noticed right of that I was not passing out in my chair in the middle of the day so I must have been helping.

Well, this morning, it must’ve been an oversight but as a drink my shake and took my vitamins, I forgot to take my gummies. I did not realize that until my Mom had already washed my hair and I had to blow dry it because it was cold. I couldn’t figure out why I was so exhausted I summation point yes I drink my lunch today I had my gummy‘s because that’s the only thing that I could think of.

I think I have gone through five or six bottles so far and when I get some money, I stocked up on them. There’s no cure for MS but at least this works for me to help with my MS fatigue. It stinks that I had to figure that out by forgetting to take it so today is a bit wonky!