Different but the Same OR the Same but Different

I started having my Mom take these pictures in the beginning of the pandemic and the shut down. With how things are going now and the re-shut down, I haven’t gone anywhere but my life really hasn’t changed.

Having my Mom take these pictures let me know that my hair has really grown!

Pictures may be a little out of order but this is my hair now:

Last night when I got into bed and my hair fell over my shoulders, it felt different than it has felt in so long! But, it’s different but the same. I am now remembering what it was like to have longer hair and to wear my hair in a ponytail every day. I only take it down when I sleep. With all of my sensory sensations different now because #MSsucks! With my hair being longer, it is different but the same but at the same time, it’s the same but different. But, don’t even get me started on my face or eyebrow!!!