Dark Chocolate

I am pretty sure I have written about this before but it’s been in my mind and has made me laugh for a while!

The first instance is one that I may have talked about but Sean might’ve been 13 and my Mom took me to Barwis or Parker’s. I know that it was an appointment for my health. Sean had stayed home so he could let my brother, Ray, in to fix something in the bathroom. I think it may have been a clog in the tub or something.

I have been eating dark chocolate for almost a couple decades now. Ever since I started no carbing it in the summer of 2007. Some days, I just need a little bit of, “Sweet” and dark chocolate is the right amount of sweetness for me. It is NOT for my brothers, however. They seem to find this out too late!

So, young Sean was laying on the couch in the living room and my brother finished and was about to leave when he stopped at my table and grabbed a chocolate to unwrap and eat. I will leave bags of dark chocolate with the top cut off so I can easily grab one. As he was opening the chocolate, Sean told him, “That’s my mom’s chocolate” my brother finished opening the chocolate and told Sean that that was his fee for fixing the tub and popped the chocolate in his mouth. It’s in that moment where he realizes that it’s not milk chocolate but dark chocolate. He made a face and spit the chocolate back it out back into the wrapper.

I thought about this because before Covid hit, my brother, Dave, came over and my Mom and I were in the kitchen. I had just gotten a bag of Dove dark chocolate pieces and it was sitting on the stove. He came into the kitchen and grabbed two and unwrapped one and before either my Mom or I realized what he was doing he popped it into his mouth. It only took a second for him to realize that it was NOT milk chocolate and it was, “Gross.” He had to finish chewing but he had already opened his second piece so I ate that for him as I laughed.

The best way for me to eat chocolate is to bite it into four sections so one Dove chocolate is more than enough for me! Every time I eat it though, I can see my brother, Dave’s, face and I can imagine what my brother, Ray’s, face looked like and it makes me laugh! I don’t eat chocolate very often but I think dark chocolate is delicious!!!