HallowGivingMas 2020

Sunday night, following BOTH of my teams losses and still not feeling 100% (which I still am NOT!) I watched a Netflix movie of my Mom’s choosing. She chose, Midnight at the Magnolia:

Immediately, I dug it! It was the cute, “Feel Good” movie that I like!:

I am not going to lie that I felt kind of guilty watching the movie because of all the Christmas trees in the background! The movie wasn’t technically about Christmas, rather New Year’s, but there were a lot of Christmas decorations still around. I felt guilty because it’s not even Thanksgiving and I asked myself what I was doing watching movies about Christmas?!

During the movie, I got caught up with all of the Christmas trees and decorations and told my Mom that we should put mine up! I thought about the recommendations I received on Facebook regarding putting a Christmas tree up with a puppy because I have to do that now! I appreciated being calmed by the fact that dogs don’t really mess with Christmas trees but the suggestion to put my tree up gradually was one that I think I will follow!

I think it was after watching the Midnight at the Magnolia movie (twice in a row I might add!). I felt it was time to put the Hallmark channel on. I do not watch Christmas movies before Thanksgiving but I liked the, “Feel Good” part of the movie I watched with my Mom so I was completely comfortable with turning the TV on halfway through a movie that I’ve seen 1 million times:

Coming Home for Christmas was just about halfway finished and I am seen it so many times that I felt my Mom in with what was going on. This part made me catch my breath at the end, it always does regardless of how I don’t really dig Danica‘s hair but:

I figured that was enough cheating by watching Christmas movies before Thanksgiving but then this one started:

So, I HAD to watch this one too and I’m not even a, “Cat” person!:

I was thinking about it, I don’t think I am even a, “Dog” person but rather a, “Leia” person because I love her!!!:

Still felt kind of guilty for watching two and a half Christmas movies before Thanksgiving but then I saw a Facebook friend’s post:

That is completely me! So now, I don’t feel guilty for watching Christmas movies early because, it’s 2020!!!