The Perfect Picture

I have tens of thousands of pictures in my phone and I am still rockin’ an iPhone 7s! I recently upgraded my iCloud space so photos that were in my favorites, we directed to somewhere in my iCloud. I have been searching for a picture since Friday that I took it years ago. It was a perfect picture!

I took this pictures at my grandma‘s funeral. I know it was terrible to take a picture during mass but it was perfect! The picture was of my uncle Rey with his arm around my aunt Olga during the funeral mass.

I kept that picture in my favorites tab but when I upgraded my storage, it got lost. I am search my phone it’s Friday because that is when my Tía Alma let my Mom and I know that my Tïo Rey died. I searched in vain to find that picture for my cousins. My mom ordered flowers for the funeral because we will not be able to attend.

My mom ordered flowers my family for the funeral because we will not be able to attend. I am still going to look for that picture but I can’t stop crying…