“Long and Flowing”

I STILL have not gotten my haircut on since the beginning of the pandemic because of my immuno compromised self. I have taken pictures of my hairs growth since the quarantine began. I don’t know the dates of these pictures but this is the world that’s far:

Before I share the picture I took today, I want to explain that I always have a long hair and I remember one time in kindergarten, my Mom was not there to get me ready for school so my Dad did it. He asked me how my Mom normally fixes my hair for school and I lied and told him that she just lets me keep it, “Long and Flowing.” Let me go to school with my hair down.

My hair in grade school was extremely long and even though I was short, my hair was pretty much in my butt the whole time I was there. Well, that was a mistake to leave my hair down and I learned that that day!

My hair today reminded me of seeing System of a Down perform BYOB on Letterman (I think) in 2005. This music really isn’t my bag but I thought of the singer who yells at the beginning before the lead singer begins singing one so I looked at how my hair looks now:

My hair is starting to get long and it is super annoying and I hate having told Jesse so many years ago that I missed having a ponytail. After I took this picture, and put my hair in a ponytail and put my hoodie on:

So, now that my hair is, “Long and Flowing” now because I have not been to the salon to get it cut, my eyebrow is completely overgrown now too! But I am too proud to take a picture of that!

One thought on ““Long and Flowing””

  1. Hi Jen! I try hard to not cut my hair too often, only because I really want it to be long. My sister in-law (she is a little off in the head) is a hair dresser and I let her cut my hair months before the pandemic began and since I work from home I never dry it with a hair dryer anymore. Thankfully, my hair actually looks healthy right now and I dyed it myself about 3 months ago.

    I think your hair is beautiful and wish mine was think like your, but mine is paper thin and annoying. I am sure you will agree, but I am beyond ready for this pandemic to go away. Sadly, I do not think it is going anywhere anytime soon. Please forgive me, but I blame all of this on the president and those that support him. I hope that he is not re-elected because if he is I fear the country will get way worse.

    I hope you are having a good weekend and you are staying safe! I think you already know how much I understand the immune system issue because I too have a weak immune system because of the medication I take for MS. I am sorry my comment is so long, but I understand all too well. Take care Jen and of course, please continue to stay safe sweetie!!

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