#MyGirlL: “High Standards”

The specialist who performed Leia’s ultrasound a week ago, called this afternoon. He told us the results of her fecal sample were normal and he did not see a mass on her ultrasound but he was concerned with some of the results of her bloodwork.

Some levels were elevated and he said that what he would recommend would be prescription food… for life. He is calling her normal vet to make a plan and then we will be called. We just started introducing normal dog food back into your diet few days ago and one day after doing that, the diarrhea started again.

Awhile ago, we noticed that she was not drinking her water. We keep her water bowl filled all day and she just wasn’t drinking it. We asked the vet about that and she suggested that we use bottled water. Once she saw my Mom pour water into her bowl, she started drinking it again.

Leia is still on the bland diet of rice and boiled hamburger. My Mom will just add the water to the rice and hamburger mixture. Every time she has gone to the vet (which is kind of a lot in her young life) she has been properly hydrated. I texted Sean while he was at work to explain her need to have prescription dog food. He texted back, “Prescription dog food and bottled water smh.”

I laughed and responded that of course any dog who lives with ME will definitely be, “High Standards!” But, I’m thinking because she is just a dog that she would just be considered, “High Maintenance.” I have no problem clarifying to people that I am, “High Standards” and NOT, “High Maintenance!” But she is a dog. But she isOUR dog so I guess she can be, “High Standards” too because I love her so much!!!