Random Tune #61 & #62 in my YouTube Feed

Yesterday was a really tough day for me with the death of Fr. Rooney. I also started thinking about my Dad because the anniversary of his is also coming up. This morning, I saw this video in my YouTube feed and it made me smile for once and not cry:

I did get a little melancholic the more I thought about it and then this song showed up to cheer me up! It was my first summer and Barwis and Jesse, my trainer was from West Virginia. It reminds me of him. I posted this one on Facebook as well so I wouldn’t forget to add it to my blog:


Last night, I found out that Sean‘s friend Who he has known and going to school with since preschool’s grandpa died. Of course that saddened me because I know them and have for a long time as the boys grew.

Then, this morning, I found out that, “My family priest” died in a boating accident. The accident happened last night and his body was found this morning.

These things have made me extremely sad! Today, my face started to hurt from crying so much. I was reminded of how my face felt when my Dad died. It REALLY hurt then and I almost passed out in church twice and the once at the mausoleum. Then, I was devastated and it felt as if my world had cracked. I was completely overwrought!

I have been crying on and off all day today at hearing my Mom talk with my brother about why he is to me, “My family priest.” He came to my Parents’ house and gave my Dad last rites, heard his final confession, and presided over his funeral mass.

Before he did that, I searched him out to have them baptize Sean. I always remember that when I told him what I named him, he asked me how I spelled it. I told him and his response was, “That’s correct” because I spell Sean‘s name the proper Gaelic way.

Just after the funeral mass, we had a picture taken at Sean’s baptism of my family up to that point. (My Parents, my brothers, and the five grandchildren who are alive at the time). Because that picture was our entire family at the time, my Mom asked me if we could put it in my dance coffin that would ultimately be cremated.

I agreed but somehow, today, I wish I had that picture to look at. So, yes, I have been crying on and off all day thinking of these two deaths. I most definitely am saddened but I am not overwrought like when my Dad died. Instead, I am wrought.

iPhone Storage Full

So, the storage my phone is full because I am still rocking my iPhone 7s. I’ve been clearing out emails all day and so I decided to delete some photos in my camera roll. I came across a few pictures that I wanted to write a blog post about but I didn’t. I guess I’ll do that soon, when my storage is cleared out enough to post pictures…

Random Tune #60 in my YouTube Feed

I will never ever forget that and I chose to use the bathroom during this song the only time I saw U2 in concert. I will never forget the stumbling drunk woman I saw in the bathroom and how she marveled at the fact that I was in the concert even with my Canadian crutches. I told her that they were in town and I HAD to see them live, come hell or high water!

Friends have disliked my choice of the bathroom song but I am okay with it. Having this song pop up in my YouTube feed made me think of that day and that drunk woman from so many years ago!

Low Pony

I realized yesterday why I have short hair. Not having had a haircut since February, (because I canceled my March appointment which was the very beginning of the pandemic) my hair has gotten pretty long! It’s really uncomfortable having hair on my neck and shoulders and I don’t like it. A couple weeks ago, I was finally able to put it back into a ponytail.

I put my hair up in a haphazard ponytail when I was half awake yesterday. By the time my Mom and I finished our routine, I combed my hair and could not raise my arms to put a new ponytail in my hair. I looked at my Mom and gingerly asked her if she could put my hair in a ponytail for me.

She hasn’t done that for me for almost 30 years! So, she combed my hair and gathered it up to make a ponytail. As she combed my hair, I was taken back to being a little girl. Then she asked me, “Do you want a high pony or low pony?” I laughed because she used to ask me that when I was a child. I always picked a, “High pony” when I was young but yesterday, I told her, “Low pony” because I am a woman now.

Today was the same thing because #MSsucks and she gave me another, “Low pony.”

That IS My Favorite Day of the Week!

This morning, I wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t feel well but then my friend and our grocery shopper dropped the groceries on the porch and got me this:

I haven’t really eaten donuts for years but she knows these are my favorite! (It was Chocolate Dip) And today’s Thursday! That IS my favorite day of the week! So, with this whole quarantine thing, I ate it. It was delicious!

After I ate the donut, my Mom and I got me ready for the day. When we were just about finished, she got a phone call from her former coworker, Miss Michelle. She works at the Dearborn Early Learning Center. She called and told my Mom that she and Miss Jennifer got me something and she left it on the porch.

Both Miss Michelle and Miss Jennifer worked in the Dearborn Early Learning Center when Sean was a student there in preschool. She told my Mom that they wanted to let me know that I did a good job.

My Mom started working there when Sean was a student in kindergarten there. Both of these women watched Sean grow up over the years. My Mom brought the present to me and I cried! I pushed some things aside from the desk that is under my television so I could look at it for the rest of the day:

I made this picture of my temporary profile picture on Facebook and my profile picture on Twitter. This is what our life is like right now! I ABSOLUTELY loved getting this picture in a frame today so I can have it forever!!! Thank you Miss Michelle and Miss Jennifer!!!

Well now, this was an excellent Thursday! It’s not my FAVORITE day for nothing!

Random Tune #58 in my YouTube Feed

So, I posted this tune on my Facebook page because it showed up in my YouTube feed and I did not want to forget about it. It really made me laugh when I saw this song there because I haven’t thought of this song in a super long time! It wasn’t my ultimate, favorite song but I could dig it. I was still teaching back then and I liked listening to songs that, “The kids” dug.

it was a catchy tune for sure! I laughed hysterically when I saw it show up in my YouTube feed because this song played in my car on my first trip to Barwis Methods with just me and Sean. The DJ on the radio, I don’t remember who it was, but he talked about this song being number one for 13 weeks in a row. Then he said, “A 13 week old baby does not know a world without Nate and Pink being number one! I remember that both Sean and I laughed at to hearing that! He was 11 back then. So when this song showed up randomly in my YouTube feed, I had to add it to my list here on my blog!

Even though I don’t remember what station we were listening to or the DJ who said this, I will always remember Sean and me laughing as I drove to Barwis because I still drive back then.

WE Did it!

So, Sean graduated yesterday. It was a personal blessing in the church and receiving his diploma with the principal. I did not go because I am still sheltering in place with my mom. Sean‘s great aunt Lee and his dad went in my place.

Lee sent me a real time pictures the whole time which I absolutely loved! I think Sean was gone about 30 minutes before I saw this:

I cried and Sean put his hands on the door and told me that, “We did it!” I smiled through my tears and told him that, “HE did it!” Then he said no the glass, “YOU paid for it! I smiled and agreed that, “WE did it.”

My mom masked and took a couple pictures of him:

I love this picture because it shows what Sean looked like for his senior pictures. Now, he has his, “Quarantine hair” I guess that is a memory that we will eventually cherish!

This was the extent of me experiencing my only son’s high school graduation:

It’s definitely not how I planned it but it’s how it is and he finished high school! And I guess I can take some credit for that seeing that I paid for it. Now, I have a DCHS alum!