A Double High-Five OR A Wise Investment

Last summer, after the prolonged power outage that I had to live through with multiple hotel stays, trying to find one that was accessible, I got a generator. Really, to be honest, my Mom got me a generator. (I’m STILL paying her back) It runs at noon every Wednesday for five minutes just to make sure that it still runs.

Well, today, after my mom transferred me back to my wheelchair after washing my hair, the power flickered and then it came back on. That’s how the generator works, it will take 30 seconds for the generator to kick in.

My Mom and I looked at each other and once the power came back on, we both smiled and gave each other double high-fives, two times as we laughed.

So, my subdivision does NOT have power and I just received an email saying it is supposed to be on at 7:30 tonight. Before I received that email, my Mom talked to one of my brothers and my Mom told him about our power situation. He laughed and told her that it was, “A wise investment!”

He told her that it is 94° outside right now. I’m so grateful that I don’t have to go anywhere until the power comes back on at 7:30 tonight, IF it comes back on. It definitely warranted double high-fives!!!