Christmas in July

The day before yesterday, my brother, Steve, asked me if I saw the movie Last Christmas because it was on Netflix. I just re-posted on Facebook the post I wrote last year after I saw the movie and after Sean’s Ring Day. (that post was one month late because it’s not good for me to book 2 things in one day) Anyway, so I saw it again yesterday because it’s named after my Christmas jam!

I watched it yesterday because it IS July and I have participated in my sister-in-law‘s “Christmas in July” festivities for her Paparazzi jewelry and I participated in a 31 “Christmas in July” party. I was okay with watching this movie because I have watched a few Hallmark Christmas movies this July as well.

I still dug this movie and I even cried but I don’t have a problem with that because I cry at a lot of movies even when I see them more than once!