Strawberry Fields

My hair is shaggy and overgrown and I only have one eyebrow now but, I still HAVE to have my chapstick! I noticed a little while ago that my pink grapefruit chapstick had almost come to its end. I only use Burt’s Bees So, I ordered a nice, summer-y 4 pack of chapstick. I like the flavors in that four pack but it was missing one. I ordered that one separately. It was strawberry! When my brother, Jimmy, brought me gum, it came in a nice plastic container and my chapstick fits perfectly in there so:

These new chapstick‘s arrived yesterday but I couldn’t try it out because I had already been wearing pink grapefruit for most of the day. I opened them up today:

The chapstick had to be placed in color order so I started with the first one. It was strawberry:

Once I opened it, it was a pleasant smell and one that reminded me of being young. It did not remind me of Strawberry Shortcake the cartoon which I still have a plate that I do still use often
It reminded me of the St. Alphonsus festivals when I was very young. I have reapplied this chapstick often today and I dig it. I’m reminded of this song because I chose the strawberry one: