June 2020 Faves

I didn’t post these yesterday because, I don’t know, I was busy doing nothing with my long hair and bushy eyebrow! Last night my brother, Jimmy, stopped by and we had a socially distant pizza party. With my Mom and I in the house and Jimmy sitting in a chair on the porch. I told my Mom right when the, “Stay at Home” orders came that if this lasts a long time, I will relax my diet which I have because it is STILL a thing. I haven’t been listening to music but rather, I am glued to the TV. Occasionally, U2 songs well show up in my YouTube feed and here are the last two that I shared on Facebook:

And sometimes when this all gets too stressful, I turn the TV off and jam to my Sara Bareilles playlist. I never hear this song at all and it’s my favorite so I will put it here so I can listen to any one of these three songs whenever I want to: