My The Office Binge Day 30

I am still on season seven but Michael left today and I am distraught! I have seen RENT before and I really liked their version:

I saw that a Facebook friend talked about crying once Michael left and that is exactly where I find myself now! It actually get me thinking about my former colleagues, the CCA OG’s. They were the only colleagues that I had. CCA was the only job I had after I received my bachelors and my masters degrees. I had so many great times with them!!!

The real cast from the movie, RENT singing:

A Three Act Play

I blowdried my hair today after my Mom washed it. It felt so long as I ran my comb through my wet hair. It completely covers the back of my neck. It feels completely overgrown now! I had my last haircut in mid-February. I didn’t make a March appointment because that’s when everything started to go sideways. I will not make an appointment for April either.

My eyebrows have successfully grown together and the white hair I get in the middle part that I have waxed each month has also grown in. Actually, I have a total of three white hairs that come in in the center of my eyebrows now. So, I am good and hairy right now!

After I combed my wet hair, I began to blow dry it. I have gone from needing an intermission in the middle of a blow drying my hair to it being as if I am watching a three act play. My hair feels a lot longer than it actually is but, the only solace I have is that when all of this is over, everyone will need a haircut and a wax as much as I do!

A Mess!

So, I think it’s all of the stress I feel from the pandemic but I noticed yesterday morning that I could feel is it coming in on my chin. I said something to Sean about it last night but today, he actually saw it and let me know that, “That’s a good one!” I kind of chuckled and told him that it hurts and I shook my head and told him that it’s just like I am a teenager.

So, it’s like I’m a teenager but… I noticed yesterday as I blew on my lunch as I sat beneath the chandelier in my dining room. I furrowed my overgrown eyebrows and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the light glint out to off of a white hair is the center of my overgrown eyebrows!

So, I’m just a mess! My chin thinks I am a teenager but my eyebrows know that I am old. I am glad that at this point, my only white hair is on my eyebrows they get waxed every month but either way, like I said, I am just a mess!

My The Office Binge Day 26

So, I continued my binge today and I started season seven. My Mom absolutely loved the scene they were doing in the beginning and she watched that first episode with me and Sean.

I don’t know why they did it and I asked Sean and he didn’t answer. I stopped my binge on the episode where Andy is performing in, “Sweeney Todd” I feel kind of terrible that I have never seen that show but that is something I can watch, probably in the near future. The episode ended with Andy singing this one:

This song made me laugh and was big during my freshman year of college and it reminds me of my wall-mate, Marissa and her boyfriend at the time because he would sang Macy Gray just like her:


I saw and shared this post on Facebook yesterday:

ANY Beatles song will always and forever remind me of my sweet cousinT, Shannon who brought over and dropped off my specific kind of floss picks that ended up being nearly impossible to find during this time of Quarantine:

I have been thinking about this song since I shared that post yesterday. Today, I searched the song on YouTube to post on my blog. The sentiment of this man and reason for playing this song makes me cry.


Tune #66 Inspired by GMFB

I’m so happy that GMFB posts virtual, social distancing clips! I saw this one this morning and my ears perked up because they were talking about my Lions!:

I agree with Peter that we should stay put with our draft pick but then he referenced this song which made me laugh:

ALMOST Forgotten Tune #88

I’m not sure why this song popped into my head last night but when I apologized to my Mom jokingly, I HAD to sing it! It was a song in The peripheral of my memories from when I was a kid. I didn’t know who sang it but I thought it was Morrissey. I looked it up last night and watch the video because the song was in my mind like crazy!;