
I taught the book, The Outsiders, for five years while I taught 7th grade English and before I received my masters degree. I thought about this earlier today as I blowdried my hair. One of the greasers, Dally, was described as a toe-head guy who was the only one who did not wear grease in his hair.

I read that book with the class by listening to the audio version of the book. I think for four years, I only had four classes a day to read the book because we had a block schedule. While I worked at the school, the schedule was constantly being tweaked and one year, I had seven classes a day because we shortened the class period.

I thought of reading the description of Dally as I blowdried my hair because since he didn’t wear any grease, he was described as having, “Tufts of hair kicking out over his shoulders.” Now that my hair is getting so long, I feel like I have tufts that kick out over my shoulders just like Dally.

I remember that being a big difference from the movie because Dally was played by Matt Dillon. I even had to show my students what a toe-headed person looked like. Because this was way back in 2005, I showed them overhead that I created on the overhead projector. I used to do that back when I taught. My students were something like 95% Hispanic so they didn’t really know what a toe-head looked like. I think I may have had one or two students who were toe-heads. I’m pretty sure the boy let me use him as an example but the girl didn’t want to be an example.

I thought about this because I can feel the tufts of my hair and then I imagine that they kick out over my shoulders as I had to have another intermission in the middle of blow drying my hair because it is so long now. I told my Mom that I thought I would be cool to have long hair again after so many years but, I don’t think it’s cool. I think it’s annoying!

My The Office Binge Day 24

I am almost finished with season six and I love that Jim and Pam had a little girl! I wanted a little girl but it wasn’t in the cards for me. I cut my binge short so my Mom and I could watch, Jesus Christ Superstar because it IS Holy Thursday. I’d like to Darrell singing the Jeffersons theme song as he moved into Jim‘s old office but then Dwight started seeing this one and Andy joined in;

It made me think of high school and Mr. Flint. I LOVE this show and I dig that Andy and Erin kissed!

A Ponytail

So, I cut my hair short on my 26th birthday. I remember one day when I was working out at Barwis with Jesse back in 2013 and I was laying on the turf on my back. It was a little bit warm in there and I pulled my hair back as if I was pulling it into a ponytail. Back then, my hair was so short that I told Jesse that, “I really miss having a ponytail!” as my hair just fell to the sides of my head because it wasn’t long enough to be in a ponytail.

With the quarantine, I figured out that I must have gotten my eyebrows waxed and my hair cut back in mid-February because I didn’t get one in March because that’s when things start to get serious. I had Sean take a picture because I couldn’t believe it myself!:

He took a few pictures to show how long my hair has gotten. And it has gotten so long that:

There it is! My ponytail! Something that I haven’t had in the past 12 years! I wonder how long my hair will grow till I can get it cut. I don’t have any ponytail holders now but I didn’t keep it all pulled back even though it can be. I will often toss my hair back over my shoulders with either one of my hands and Sean and my Mom will just shake their heads.

Yesterday, right after I blowdried my hair, I sat in my kitchen with Sean and I tossed to my head back and flipped my hair over my shoulder with my left hand as I told him that he may not recognize me because my hair is so long! He kind of snorted at that but I know it’s true! If I had a ponytail holder, I probably would use it pretty soon.

More Love

I received some more love today. My brother, Jimmy, dropped off some things for me today.

My Mom pulled them into the house and disinfected them outside as well as inside so I snapped this picture as they laid on the floor after being sprayed and wiped down. I have about two more floss picks before I start using the bag my cousinT, Shannon bought me. it looks like this lockdown is going to last for a while and it’s good to know that I have the floss picks to last during it!


My The Office Binge Day 22

I got to the Christmas episode for season six today. My Mom wants to watch a movie so I stopped my bins but there were a couple of things I dug in the last episode though!

The first thing is that I finally understand where Pam telling the camera, “Yup” comes from. It’s the Christmas episode of season six!

I use that GIF all the time on Twitter! So much of everything I’ve seen this far in the show makes me laugh so much! But I think this one got a pretty big one when Kevin sang this song on the karaoke machine:

My The Office Binge: Day 21

I continued my binge today and laughed at Pam slapping Michael after work for dating her mom, Breaking up with her on her birthday, and talking smack. But then there was the murder and the southern accents…

Michael got the email from David Wallace about Dunder Mifflin possibly going under. He found some solace by playing music lovely in his office:

I know that I am super late to the party but I’m really diggin’ this show!

The BEST Tweet Notification EVER!!!

I received a tweet notification this afternoon:

It was the BEST tweet notification ever! And one that I really was happy to receive and read! I’ve been missing them so badly! My daily routine has been completely confused and overturned because I cannot watch them every weekday morning!!!

It took me a minute of Sean NOT being in school, being locked down, and my Mom coming to stay with me for me to realize that that was what was going on! She actually told me what was going on and why I was completely off kilter. All I have of them now is a bleached shirt and great memories of laughing!

I replied to the tweet with this:

I cannot wait for this all to be over and for them to be back on TV!!!