My Growth Project

Yesterday, I noticed for the first time in just over 12 years that there was hair touching my neck! I had really long hair growing up and I cut it at the end of my senior year and then allowed it to grow again until my 26th birthday.

On my 26th birthday, I cut it and I still have the same haircut now. Short hair is easier to deal with as my MS has progressed.

So after I noticed that I could feel hair on my neck, I took a look at my eyebrows. Man, they are growing in extensively! It makes me laugh but Sean says they don’t look too bad yet. Yesterday, one of the members in my Women with MS group asked everybody what the first thing they would do when the quarantine was over. I replied. “Get my eyebrows waxed.”

i’m pretty sure that is the first thing I will do before I see a new one but it doesn’t really matter right now. My mom washed my hair yesterday and it took a long time to blow dry and when I was finished, I flipped my hair over my left shoulder with my hand and swung my head back. If my Mom laughed at me because my hair is NOT long but it feels that way to me!