
Sean got me out of bed this morning and kissed me on my forehead when he left for school. I was feeling rather nostalgic and decided to listen to my U2 playlist on shuffle as I brushed my teeth. That playlist is so good!

Ny phone gave me the alert that it was on low battery so I went into my kitchen where my charger is plugged in and plugged it in while various u2 songs were still playing. My clean Yeti was on the counter so I decided to fill it with water.

Last Mother’s Day, my Mom purchased a 30 ounce Yeti cup with a handle for me. I use it every day. That’s for me to stay hydrated. I need to drink at least 30 ounces of water each day so my kidneys don’t hurt. I choose to drink it in the morning before I get ready for the day.

So, this morning, as I filled my cup in the kitchen sink and added the lemon essential oils to it, it was nice sitting in my house all by myself. I decided to sit in the kitchen because the sun had started to rise in such a way and I could see it through my kitchen window that faces my backyard. It was kind of gray but the sun was peeking out from behind my neighbor behind me’s really large pine tree. As I sipped my water, it glinted off the lid to my cup.

Because my playlist was on shuffle, I thought of everything from my first year teaching, to being in college, to going to the concert with my brother and some colleagues, and so many other memories for each song. I really enjoyed listening to it as I watched the sunrise in my backyard and slowly sipped my water.

I know all of the words to u2 songs but I can no longer sing them so I occasionally would mouth them along with the music. I enjoyed the silence and listening to songs as I was by myself in my house. I heard many of my favorite songs to start my day off well but there was one song I did not hear and I have not heard in a very long time.

It is this song that I played for the kids I student taught on my final day there. I think my commencements were that following weekend. I think I saw one student who was getting her bachelor’s degree at the commencement where I received my masters degree. I haven’t thought about this song for a while but I really wish it was one of the songs I heard this morning well I stared at the sunrise in the silence of my house. Since it was not, I am sharing it here: