Thank You

Today, Sean returned to school after his two and a half week absence with pneumonia. He came into the house to change before he left for work. As he walked in, I stared at him as I seem to be doing a lot these days but raising a child for the past 18 years and seeing him turn into a young man is difficult to believe most times!

He always catches me looking at him and will give me a moment before he asks what I am looking at. I usually just answer with, “I love you!” Today, he reciprocated and told me that he loves me too. After he said that, I smiled and said, “Thank you!”

He started to laugh and asked me who responds with a thank you when someone tells them that they love them. Of course that queued the Bon Jovi song in my head!:

I replied with a simple, ”Bon Jovi”. So I had to raise my arms next to my chin and clenched my fists and did my best to sing the refrain! I told him that it was exactly how it sounded from Bon Jovi and I told him I would send the video to him while he was at work.

I sent him just the lyrics because given that he is my son, a bride burning through the city isn’t exactly applicable. Here is the lyric video I sent him:

So, of course I had to listen to this song a few times. I was taken back to a time when I was 18, naïve, able-bodied, and seemingly in love that ultimately did not last. I remember seeing this video on the TV when I was in Kalamazoo during my freshman year at WMU. It all seems like a lifetime ago! But, the point is, and what I conveyed to Sean, that you can thank someone for loving you as I thanked Sean today.

Sean just returned my text to him with, “Exactly alike.” When I included with the video that is “ Sounds exactly like me.“. I replied to the text in all caps, “I KNOW, RIGHT?!”