“Pneumonia Sucks!”

Yesterday, Sean let me know that, “Pneumonia sucks!” I completely agree with him even though I have never had it. My Mom is making sure that I don’t get it by pumping me full of vitamins and making sure I drink my tea every day:

This tea is to reinforce my immune system. Sean stays in his room most of the day but we have watched a little bit of TV today. He came out this afternoon and watched, Leap Year with me. He told me that it is a tolerable movie that I watch on the time. I’ll take it!

It really stinks to hear him cough so much but it seems like the cough is drying up a bit because of the medicine. Because of all of the congestion, he has a slight headache as well. It hurts to hear all of his pain! I agree, “ Pneumonia (MUST) suck!”

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