Live Symphony Orchestra & Choir

Lately, live symphony orchestra and choir versions of popular songs that I love have been showing up in my YouTube feed. The first one I saw was a Keane song which I hadn’t heard in a long long time. I shared that one here on my blog. The second song I saw, and I was really debating about sharing this one was, Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” But then, that song was completely eclipsed by this one:

Anyone who knows me or has read my blog knows that I absolutely, unquestionably LOVE U2 and Bono!!! This one is my jam!!! I shared the version on Facebook with Mary J singing not too long ago:

Both of these versions came out of the original song which I absolutely love! I can no longer song out loud along with it but I know all of the words and I mouth them with unapologetic tears streaming down my face!:

I LOVE YOU, BONO!!! 😍😍😍!!!