The Replacement

Yesterday, my replacement ornament arrived. All of this happened because Sean made the phone call for me because I was not able to speak very well. Yesterday, the fruits of his labor were a parent. The replacement ornament arrived!

So now, I was able to add all three of my new ornaments to my tree. And again, when I say, “I,” I mean, my Mom.” I ordered three ornaments this year. This first one is my favorite:

Followed closely by this one because I love elephants and because of that movie I saw with my Mom:

Once we put the replacement ornament on, I told my mom to make them look like they are kissing so this is what do you ornaments look like now even though one has a broken war:

And this last one is fitting because I have already started watching Hallmark movies and it’s not even Thanksgiving?! Things are a little bit off this year because I’m almost finish putting my tree up, I mean my mom is almost finish putting my tree up and this last one is fitting because I have already started watching Hallmark movies and it’s not even Thanksgiving?!

Things are a little bit off this year because MS ain’t no joke and I’m almost finished putting my tree up, I mean, “My Mom” is almost finish putting my tree up.:

The ornament says, “All I want to do is drink hot cocoa and watch the Hallmark channel, the heart of Christmas.”