2 Days

So, today, it has been two days since I saw Hocus Pocus with my, “Sacreds” (Sean and my Mom) and I really liked it!

But then comes the recovery.

At this point, the recovery takes two days… at least! Both of my football teams won this weekend and I’m still not really feeling it. I recorded both of them so hopefully I will get Hope at the rewatch! Today, after the Lions game (which I have only seen the last half of) I watched Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. Now, when I say, “Watched,” it really wasn’t that. I was in and out of sleep for the entire movies but they are movies that I saw last Christmas season so it was OK.

So, today is also a lazy, napping day. I wonder if I will recover on Monday to continue my Hocus Pocus movie watching because I haven’t reached 31 yet but then I saw this trailer on Facebook:

I’m pretty sure that it’s too early for Christmas movies but this song is my jam! i put the Packers game on that’s starting very shortly and I wonder if I will stay awake… because I am not interested in either team, like the Magic 8 Ball that I have always wanted; “The outlook is not so good…”