PT, OT, and Barwis

After I saw my neurologist in September, my neurologist’s nurse arranged for me to receive physical therapy in my home. A woman named Sajada came over to see me a few weeks ago. She took my blood pressure and asked me a bunch of medical questions. She asked me what my pain was on the pain scale that I am very familiar with. She is a doctor of physical therapy and she told me I need to get an occupational therapist to come see me because she was not able to work with my legs. She had me work on a portable arm bike and put weights on my wrists to do certain exercises. She left Thera Bands for me to work with.

I was extremely familiar with all the exercises I completed with her and it made me miss Barwis a lot. I saw an occupational therapist named Guen last week and she watched how I navigate in through my home. She documented how I transfer with my Mom and wrote orders for an electric Hoyer lift. Sadly, it’s like that now. We talked about my pain level and the fact that I experience most of my pain in my right knee and I told her about my injury and subsequent surgery. She asked how the rest of my body feels and I told her that I have been in pain for so long that I can’t gauge what my pain level is.

She accepted my answer and it made me miss Barwis even more! It is my hope to get back there one day but I have some difficulty imagining that my knee will stop hurting so much. Given that both of my teams lost this weekend (Michigan and the Detroit Lions), everything hurts more. I’m not even finding solace in that Jewel song even though it’s in my head a lot.