ALMOST Forgotten Tune #57

I sat in my kitchen eating my lunch by myself today and I turned my Apple Music U2 playlist on shuffle. I heard this song and I think it enormously strange that I seriously, ALMOST forgot about it because it’s not foremost in my wheelhouse of favorite U2 songs but once it started, I was immediately taken back to being an undergrad and working at the Livonia branch of dfcu financial. It was during the winter when I was playing the Best of 1990 – 2000 album on loop in my car.

I heard this song off and I’m on my way to work or maybe it was on my way home:

U2 has always been my favorite band! I started thinking about this, I think, when I saw this video show up on my YouTube feed.

I shared the video on Facebook on October 2, 2019 when I saw it and I had to say this about it:

That video is showing up again in my YouTube feed now. I can ALWAYS listen to some U2 songs! That’s how I thought of my #57th ALMOST Forgotten Tune. I also have had U2 on my brain because of Sean‘s Parent-Teacher conferences that I went to last Wednesday. Because it is Sean’s senior year, he has “Senior Privilege” which means that he has a shorter school day (only six classes) and multiple classes are electives because he has already obtained a majority of credits needed for graduation. He currently has a, “Music Appreciation” class.

I have asked Sean pretty much every day since school started if they talked about u2 in class. He shakes his head and smiles at me and tells me that they haven’t. I gave Sean basic facts about them, just in case. I told him that U2 formed the band in 1975 and their first album was not released until 1981 and it was titled, Boy.

I told Sean‘s teacher about this in our conference and he asked me which album. I told him that I like both best of albums but I cited one of my favorite songs:

I also told him about another one of my favorite songs that they played when I saw them in concert in 2006 but the crowd didn’t pick up the song so he stopped singing it. I was singing! But I think I was too far away from the stage so..,