
My Mom had to wash my hair this morning because, well, “Sometimes it bees like that” and MS ain’t no joke! I closed my eyes as my Mom combed shampoo through my hair with her fingers. She began to talk about my Dad. She was not talking about my Dad as my Dad but my Dad as a high school student on retreat with her. For some reason this song came into her head and she wasn’t sure of who sang it. I let her know that it was Otis Redding:

My Mom told me that my Dad really liked this song and it was one of his favorites. I asked her why he liked it and she said that he said that, “It was easy. It was peaceful,” I told her that Sara Bareilles had a cover of this song:

I couldn’t see her face as she scrubbed my scalp but I could hear in her voice that she was NOT here with me in 2019 but somewhere back in time and on retreat probably in 1969 with my Dad.

I vaguely remember hearing my Dad say something about, “The ‘Frisco Bay” in conversation when we were driving when I was about eight or nine. I told my Mom that I tell everyone about my favorite ANYTHING. When she was finished pulling the soap suds out of my hair and was going to rinse it, I raised both open hands over my head and yelled,

“Daddy! I could use a little, “peaceful” right about now!“ with my head and eyes slightly tilted toward the ceiling because I REALLY could use some of that right now and I knew to ask my Dad to intervene on my behalf to God because I am CERTAIN that is where he is now!

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