Consistency is Key!

Sean wrote the mailing addresses on my package for my nephew and I got to put on the stickers! I felt like a little girl with a brand new sticker book! My niece texted me and wrote in part that, “the lady at the front desk asked if you knew i didn’t go to u of m😂❤️.” I sent her three laughing faces in response. I HAVE to rep my school! Her package looked like this:

I just got my nephew’s address and his package looks like this:

Consistency is key except my nephew lives on campus where my niece lives in off-campus housing so I think it might be a little bit different! I told them both that they were dead to me when they told me they were going to Michigan State but I said I would still send them packages but I would put tons of Michigan stickers on their packages.

I really enjoy sending care packages to colleges. It reminds me of the care packages I received from my Mom when I was at WMU. I made sure to enclose the specific things they asked for but I wonder how my nephew will receive his package given that he is a freshman and he lives on campus. Well, consistency IS key and I had a lot of fun packing the care package and putting the stickers on!