
It’s been four days that I have been working with my Therapy putty. I know that it is going to be a VERY long road to strengthen my hands but already, my wrists do not burn as I squeeze the putty and the extra, extra soft is actually getting easier.

I’m a little bit surprised at how much I use it but my goal is to regain some of my hand strength and I want to save my gums and still use a manual toothbrush. Sean has already tested out the extra extra soft while I was passing it from hand to hand. He asked me if he could try the red one out. The red one is the, “Firm” one and Sean has told me that it’s going to be a REALLY long time before I get there. He told me that it was difficult for him and my hands are, “Wonky” so it will be even harder for me!

I am not deterred from it though. It’s simple to mindlessly pass the putty from hand to hand as I watch TV. Yesterday, my Mom asked me to do something when she came into my house and I looked at her questioningly and looked at the putty in my hands and didn’t know what to do. She asked Sean to complete it because, “[I] was playing with my Fuddy-putty.’ “

I laughed and told them that I was NOT, “Playing”but rather strengthening my hands! My Mom told me last night as she grabbed my hand to help transfer me that it was different because I was actually grabbing her hand back. So, that’s proof that I will continue, “PLAYING with my? ‘Fuddy-putty’”!!!

“A New Car!”

I bought my current car in November 2011. It was necessary for me to buy it because my previous car, was submerged in water on my way to work very early one morning when it was still dark and raining very heavily! Apparently, cars DON’T float! That fact was something that I learned too late!

I bought a 2012 Chevy Malibu then and she is still running strong! My car is a girl and her name is, “Bea” after Colbie Caillat because one of her songs was playing the first time and I turned the radio on. Once I signed the papers back in 2011, my car went from the dealership to Advantage Mobility so my chair topper and hand controls could be installed.

I picked up my car once my accommodations were installed and the first time I drove her to my house, this is what she looked like:

A few months ago, the body shop at Les Stanford removed the chair topper because I was no longer driving. It was not necessary and it was doing damage to the roof of the car. They put a quick fix on the roof:

For me, that was a big deal because I had never seen my car without its chair topper. Well, a couple of weeks ago, those black patches placed on the holes in my roof begin to leak INTO my car. That was really not cool! My car remained in my driveway with a tarp on it until I could figure out what to do.

I waited for a day when it was not raining and had my Mom drive the car to Les Stanford’s body shop. They had the car for almost 2 weeks. My Mom picked it up on Friday. She took a few pictures for me because they detailed it and I am still trying to recover from the power outage and it is way too warm for me to go outside!

When I saw this picture, I began to cry.

I have NEVER seen my car like that and it’s been paid off for two years! I asked her to take a couple more pictures so I could see the entire car better.

She looks brand new! As I look at that picture, I can’t help but hearthe guy from The Price is Right.

I feel like I have a brand new car! I have yet to be in it but I will get to ride in it when I get my Frida Kahlo eyebrows addressed, hopefully next week.

A Rabbit Hole

I watched Across the Universe a few days ago and I absolutely love the soundtrack! I dig the Beatles because they always remind me of my cousinT, Shannon!

I have posted about songs from this movie but I’m going to add some of The other songs I dig! I don’t think I have posted these songs but if I have, you just get double sugar!

Not one of my favorite Beatles songs but I LOVE BONO!!!:

So all of these songs are basically the entire movie but I really take them! Because this soundtrack is completely Beatles music, it reminded me of another movie with the Beatles songs as the soundtrack, I Am Sam:

I used to sing this song to Sean when he was very small:

The impetus to going down this rabbit hole was a picture my cousinT, Shannon took of me from her third-floor apartment. I was thinking about driving my Parents’ car and listening to the I Am Sam soundtrack on loop. Sean was in the backseat at the time of this picture in his car seat carrier and I was still driving and walking. In other words, it was a lifetime ago! These two soundtracks reminded me of that lost time!

“Hand Me Another Mallow!”

I think it was last summer when Sean told me about a memory he had of me roasting marshmallows with him and my nephews at my brother’s house. I didn’t remember any of this story until after Sean reminded me of it.

We all were at my brother’s house at his fire pit and I decided that I wanted to make a s’more with the kids. I sat at the fire pit with probably three or four of my nephews and Sean. Sean told me that I explained to them as my marshmallow was roasting how to make the perfect S’more. The marshmallow had to be slightly browned on all sides.

Sean told me that as I was constantly turning the marshmallow on my stick, I told my nephews and Sean how perfect my S’more was going to be. He told me that I was being silly and I kept talking about how wonderful my s’more was going to be and laughing. As he told me this, I remembered that night pretty clearly. Sean had to be about eight or nine years old.

Sean told me that as I had just about determined that my marshmallow was the perfect color, it fell off a stick and into the fire. When he told me this, I could clearly remember all of my nephews bursting into gales of laughter!

Sean ended his story by telling me that I put my right hand out and told whoever had the package of marshmallows (Which may have been Sean) to, “Hand me another mallow!” I really liked that Sean had this memory of me being silly and having fun with him and my nephews.

I saw this GEICO commercial tonight and it reminded me of that night:

The Arrival

My, “Fuddy-putty” (as young Sean called it) arrived this morning. I was super excited!

I messaged the person who suggested it to me and my MS support group about it and she told me that I could just squeeze the putty while I’m watching TV and when it gets too easy, move to the next color.

I started with the teal, extra, extra soft.

Extra, extra soft?! Not so much.

This is going to be a pretty long process because there are six levels of firmness! Extra, extra soft was kind of brutal! I will keep at it though! I will add this to things I need to do a little on a daily basis.

The Rooftop

I just watched, Across the Universe. I really dig that movie! Watching the second to last song of the movie reminded me of something:

Although this video happened before this movie was shot, it actually happened after because this movie was supposed to be in the 1960s.

I really dug that movie but I couldn’t help but think of this video:

Both of these songs were really cool to have an impromptu rooftop concert. I love that I’ve listened to good music pretty much all day today!


I belong to many closed, MS support groups. I think of these groups as being very helpful to me! I can post things and ask, “The experts” (As I see it) questions because these people know exactly what it feels like in my body! It’s a feeling that you sometimes have difficulty putting into words but I can read their words/memes which is very helpful to me in trying to deal with this horrific disease!

I posed a question today because I have noticed that I have become quite, “Heavy-handed.” I noticed this “Heavy-handedness” by looking at my toothbrush. Sean and I got our teeth cleaned in mid-May and this is how my toothbrush looks now:

I was immediately concerned because my tooth brushes have never looked like that because I get them replaced at my dentist every six months when I get my teeth cleaned. I wasn’t sure but I’m pretty sure this is an MS thing. I asked my friends for some help and immediately thought of this song from this movie:

I got multiple responses to my question and different things that may help. I think I will eventually have to get an electric toothbrush but I am concerned about what that would do for my overall hand strength, fine motor skills, and dexterity. As it is, I can’t hold a pen and write anymore.

Then, I got a reply for a less expensive thing that may help. I ordered it online today. I haven’t even researched electric toothbrushes yet but I already know that it won’t be difficult to afford and I need to get the BEST! I guess I can attribute that fact to me being, “High maintenance” as Sean says even though I prefer to call it, “High standards!”

She suggested that I get therapy putty.

They even have purple! Except, the purple one is the, “Firm” strength so it will take me a while to build up to that. As I searched YouTube for a clip of that song of from Across the Universe, I came across this clip and couldn’t pass it up,(I HAD TO SHARE) because it is really the SAME song!:

These MS support groups really, “Get” me! I posted my question in my favorite group. And my friends DEFINITELY came through for me! When Sean was small, one Easter, I got him silly putty because it was in an egg. I think he may have been too young because he stretched it really thin so it got stuck on a fabric chair. Sean called the silly putty, “Fuddy-putty.” I remember loving that and thinking it was too cute!

The package will come tomorrow and I will remind Sean of the, “Fuddy-putty” but I don’t think he will get it on the couch this time!

August 2019 Faves

Have you downloaded this song yet?! It shows up in my “Recently AAdded” music in my Apple Music app and I HAVE TO listen to it!

Just before I listen to this song:

Because I listen to that song from my U2 playlist, it continues to play and I forgot how much I really liked this album because it is the next songs that play. Reminds me of my early days of teaching and seeing them in concert when I could still walk:

I really like this video!: