“A New Car!”

I bought my current car in November 2011. It was necessary for me to buy it because my previous car, was submerged in water on my way to work very early one morning when it was still dark and raining very heavily! Apparently, cars DON’T float! That fact was something that I learned too late!

I bought a 2012 Chevy Malibu then and she is still running strong! My car is a girl and her name is, “Bea” after Colbie Caillat because one of her songs was playing the first time and I turned the radio on. Once I signed the papers back in 2011, my car went from the dealership to Advantage Mobility so my chair topper and hand controls could be installed.

I picked up my car once my accommodations were installed and the first time I drove her to my house, this is what she looked like:

A few months ago, the body shop at Les Stanford removed the chair topper because I was no longer driving. It was not necessary and it was doing damage to the roof of the car. They put a quick fix on the roof:

For me, that was a big deal because I had never seen my car without its chair topper. Well, a couple of weeks ago, those black patches placed on the holes in my roof begin to leak INTO my car. That was really not cool! My car remained in my driveway with a tarp on it until I could figure out what to do.

I waited for a day when it was not raining and had my Mom drive the car to Les Stanford’s body shop. They had the car for almost 2 weeks. My Mom picked it up on Friday. She took a few pictures for me because they detailed it and I am still trying to recover from the power outage and it is way too warm for me to go outside!

When I saw this picture, I began to cry.

I have NEVER seen my car like that and it’s been paid off for two years! I asked her to take a couple more pictures so I could see the entire car better.

She looks brand new! As I look at that picture, I can’t help but hearthe guy from The Price is Right.

I feel like I have a brand new car! I have yet to be in it but I will get to ride in it when I get my Frida Kahlo eyebrows addressed, hopefully next week.