Ice Cream Makes EVERYTHING Better!!!

So yeah, it’s one of those kind of days! After our morning routine (and some tears being shed on my part), my Mom asked me if there was anything she could do to make me feel better. My answer was simple and a no brainer for me:


She went to the Baskin-Robbins drive-through not too far away but they didn’t have mint chocolate chip ice cream. The horror!!! Mint chocolate chip is my absolute FAVORITE!!!

Because I was having a really tough day, my Mom (The gem that she is) went to Kroger to get some. She FaceTimed me and I told her to get the cheap one. It was $1.

She thought to get me a bigger one but I told her that I don’t eat ice cream that often. I also told her to get a small one so I could eat the whole thing! Well, I barely made a dent and put the rest in the freezer but ice cream really DOES make everything better! At least for right now anyway…

One thought on “Ice Cream Makes EVERYTHING Better!!!”

  1. Mint chocolate chip used to be Heather’s favorite when she was little. She called it, “the dreen kind”.

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