Tune #18 Inspired by GMFB

This morning, Kay and Kyle were at the breakfast table on GMFB. Michael Robinson joined them and he has been on before but he had a goatee today and he had the same graying pattern as my Dad. I liked seeing that.

Anyway, they all were talking about the four players who received a 99 rating in Madden 20:

As impressive as all these guys’ stats and highlights were, the biggest thing I took away from it was Kay telling Kyle they were going to talk about the 99 ratings and he said, “Luft Balloons?” That made me laugh, A LOT! Then they cut to commercial so I quickly tweeted him this:

It’s usually 90s references that make me laugh. That’s MY era but this song is also familiar to me because I have older brothers. So here is this one too and yes, it’s been my head ALL DAY LING!!!