
I have a couple of blog posts rolling around in my head right now. I’m just trying to get them fully developed. I know that I have an old picture of Sean, (he was probably about two years old) in the end table by the door in my living room.

I decided to look for that picture for one of the blog posts I plan on writing. Instead, I found this picture:

Because I was not expecting to find this picture, it stopped me in my tracks! I gasped! I stared at the picture for a very long time! I know that this picture was taken almost 20 years ago but my hair is almost the same. I don’t know where my NHS stole or my honor cords are; they probably are at my Mom’s somewhere. But the longer I stare at this picture, I began to cry!

Also, because I have begun to think about Sean‘s graduation and planning his graduation party for next year, I think about how wonderful it would be for my Dad to look at him like he was looking at me in this picture!

Seeing this picture really stunned me and caused the gasp so I think it will take a little bit of time to get over! I hope that I can write another blog post for today but we will see…