Protein Shake

I started a no carb diet in 2007ish. Then I switched to the B.E.D diet (same principle) in probably 2010-11? I have been on some form of a low-carb diet for more than a decade. Aside from my birthday, free donut day, and Christmas ( I HAVE to have aunt Lola’s cookies!) I’ve pretty much stayed with it for my health. Knee injury and surgery did a number on me but I have since gotten back on to no carbs this year, since January.

Now that it is warmer outside, I can drink protein shakes in the morning. I need to drink my breakfast because without nourishment, I get faint but I am too tired to chew in the morning. So, after I drink my Kiefer, I have an Atkins protein shake:

This morning, after I shook it up, opened it, and took a drink, I was immediately reminded of being the Reading Specialist at CCA. I got my Masters’ degree in 2010 and taught reading for the past seven years of my employment. I taught two reading programs, READ 180 and Read Naturally. and in order to adhere to the proper way to administer these reading programs, I taught three sections of Read Naturally and four sections of READ 180.

As a result, I forewant my regularly scheduled lunch break and taught straight through the day in order to reach more students. I drank my lunch pretty much every day! So today, as I sipped it, I closed my eyes and remembered so many wonderful times of teaching a reading program that I was very familiar with! It was nice to remember that. It’s interesting how the smallest thing can trigger the greatest memory! And all because of a protein shake.